Euroasian Lynx is one of the biggest land mammal predator from the cats family. In Poland Lynxes are extremly rare (only 210 individuals) and under protect. The lived mainly in compact, large forests: Puszcza Augustowska, Knyszyńska, Białowieska i Borecka. What is interesting, small group of lynxes were brought to Puszcza Kampinowska which lies near the border of Warsaw - Polish capital city.

Small lynxes

Small lynxes with their mother
Lynxes are teritorial and solitary animals. Thei'r teritory could be from about 130 to 1300 squere kilometers. In search of food lynxes do from 7 to 20 km in one night. They eat small rodents, deer, hares, birds, and also sometimes wild pigs. They'r not good runners, because they tired quickly, so usually, when victim tries to escape, they don't chase her for a long time.

Euroasian lynx in Białowieża

Lynx head (from Białowieża)
Polish word for Lynx is "Ryś". Theas in proto-slavic language means "very quick".

Euroasian lynx

Euroasian lynx
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